BRNN >> The Belt and Road News Network >> 100 CPC Stories in 100 Days

A Friend Doesn't Cancel a Visit — Premier Zhou Enlai's Visits to 10 African Countries

From December 14, 1963 to February 4, 1964, at the invitation of heads of state or government of the United Arab Republic (now Egypt), Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Ghana, Mali, Guine…


Yes! Yes! China! China! — People’s Diplomacy on the Square

Six decades ago, the Cuban people, under the leadership of Fidel Castro and with heroic struggles, overthrew the reactionary dictatorship and won the victory of the revolution. The…


Three Songs for China by Norodom Sihanouk - Stories about China and Sihanouk

Norodom Sihanouk, former King of the Kingdom of Cambodia, was an old friend of the Chinese people. For many years, he was committed to advancing the friendship between the two coun…


A Testament to “Pauk-phaw” Friendship — Premier Zhou Enlai and Myanmar’s National Costume

Premier Zhou Enlai and Prime Minister U Nu in Myanmar, June 1954 Connected by mountains and rivers, China and Myanmar are neighbors sharing a longstanding "pauk-phaw" friendshi…


Lu Shi'e's Dream of a World Expo

In 1910, a young man named Lu Shi'e wrote a fantasy novel titled New China. It was about a dream he had of Shanghai in 1951. In his dream, there would be no warlords or invaders in…

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